Newsletter 16: 29 November 2022
Dear Colleagues,
On last Saturday evening, Marcellin College Bulleen, hosted the final Marist Schools Australia Mass and Dinner for 2022. It concluded three most uplifting and inspirational gatherings for Marist educators and communities across Australia.
We were honoured by the presence of three significant leaders in Catholic education in the Region. Ms Maria Kirkwood, the retiring Director of Catholic Education for the Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Ltd, Dr Debra Sayce, Executive Director of Catholic Education Western Australia and Ms Julie Ryan OAM, the retiring MSA Regional Director.
The Chair of the MSA Ltd Board, Professor Brother David Hall, who attended all three celebrations, explained the importance of these gatherings. Highlighting God's abiding, familiar and comforting presence whenever we join to express thanks, gratitude and appreciation, David reminded us of the defining difference of a Catholic education and a Catholic school. Grounded on the person of Jesus Christ and centred on the purpose of God's mission for all humanity, David invited us all to consider anew, the depths and importance of the work done in schools each day in the context of our faith.
As we come to the final weeks of the 2022 school year, it is important to recognise those Principals who will be leaving our family of Marist schools to take on new positions or will commence retirement. Let us keep in our thoughts and prayers, the following Principals as they enter this period of transition in their vocations. Ray Martin, Dr Paul Rijken, Wayne Marshall, Alan Le Brocque and Seb Spina.
Mr Ray Martin has had a long and successful involvement with Marist education for many years. As a student Ray attended Parramatta Marist High School and has taught and led at Marist College Kogarah, Trinity Catholic College Auburn and Marist Catholic College Penshurst. Ray will commence in 2023 as the Foundation Principal of St Vincent's College Ashfield, a new K-12 co-education school in Sydney's inner west. This new school is an amalgamation of St Vincent's Catholic Primary School which was established by the Sisters of Charity in 1881 , Bethlehem College founded by the Sisters of Charity in 1881 and De La Salle College founded by the Brothers in 1916. It is a major undertaking and Ray's appointment as the Foundation Principal is testimony to his capacity as a faith leader, educator and administrator. We wish Ray every success and look forward to his ongoing contributions to Marist life and mission as a member of the Marist Association.
Dr Paul Rijken will be retiring at the end of 2022 as Principal of Cardijn College in Adelaide. Paul is a remarkable person whose leadership and support within our Marist networks have been influential and vital to the growth of Marist life and mission in Australia.
From a national school education perspective, Paul has been influential in leading thinking and practice on the manner and form of student engagement. The promotion of deeply respectful ways of promoting student voice in the learning and teaching dynamic in ways, which are measurable and instructive, has resonated strongly with Marist educators across the country. To listen to Paul’s motivations for his Doctoral research in this area is to hear a person of passion, imbued with Marist intuitions, emphases, and audacity, as he sought to strengthen with all staff the efficacy of the educational experience of the young people in his school.
Mr Wayne Marshall, currently the Principal at John Therry Catholic College, Rosemeadow has been appointed as the new Principal of St John the Evangelist Catholic High School, Nowra, commencing in 2023. We extend our sincere congratulations to Wayne on this appointment. Wayne commenced his teaching career in the Archdiocese of Sydney at the renowned Benedict Senior College Auburn, which was established by the Marist Brothers in 1942. He soon assumed senior leadership roles, including Assistant Principalship in three Sydney schools from 1997. For a number of years Wayne also provided vital leadership at a system level in Sydney, in the development and efficacy of Pastoral Coordinators across 10 secondary schools in the Inner Western Region of the Archdiocese. In 2012, Wayne was appointed Principal at Mount Carmel Catholic College, Varroville, and in 2018 assumed the Principalship of John Therry Catholic College, Rosemeadow. Wayne’s leadership of these Marist schools over the last decade has been outstanding. Born of his own rich personal faith, Wayne’s leadership is characterised by a deep connection to each community, practical common sense and commitment to improved learning outcomes for all students. Not only has Wayne contributed to Marist life through his distinguished leadership of two Marist schools, but through his close relationships with Marists across the country and overseas, his insightful encouragement of the growth of the Marist Association, and his generous support of Marist ministries. Wayne’s genuine commitment to the enlivening of Marist life and spirituality is evident to all, most especially through his own example and commitment to the good of others. We wish Wayne every success in his new role, happiness in the next stage of his life and the assurance of the prayers, connection and support of our Marist family into the future.
Mr Alan Le Brocque, the popular Principal of Marian Catholic College in Griffith NSW will be retiring at the conclusion of the 2022 academic year. Alan has been involved in Catholic education for over 40 years as a teacher, Coordinator, Assistant Principal and Principal mostly in the Diocese of Wagga Wagga. A gifted educator, Alan's leadership at Marian Catholic College has seen a renaissance in all areas of College life. Flourishing enrolments, capital works, and improved student outcomes are among the many legacies of his leadership. Alan has been a charismatic and enthusiastic religious leader whose commitment to outreach and solidarity has animated the generous Marian Catholic College community. Over the past 8 years, Alan has seen the reconnection of the College to its Marist spirituality and traditions by leading the engagement of staff and students in formation programmes and other professional learning experiences. On behalf of Marist Schools Australia, thank you Alan for all you have done for thousands of teachers, students, and families in providing quality Catholic education with such dedication, joy, and passion.
Mr Seb Spina is retiring at the end of this year, having worked at St Francis de Sales College Leeton for many years. Seb was appointed acting Principal in 2016 and to the substantive position from 2017. During Seb's leadership, major improvements at the school in regard to facilities and amenities have been successfully undertaken. Significant has been the renovations to the boys and girls boarding facilities and the College continues to enjoy strong confidence from parents throughout regional New South Wales for weekly boarding. Seb has been a strong supporter of Marist life and mission in the Riverina area and on behalf of all Marist educators I wish him a happy and healthy retirement.
Last week Mr Peter Hill the Executive Director of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Wollongong announced two key appointments involving committed Marists. Mr Brad McAllister has been appointed Principal at John Therry Catholic College Rosemeadow, commencing in January 2023. Brad is well known in our Marist circles, for his highly valued work in senior positions at Mount Carmel Catholic College Varroville, and at John Therry Catholic College where he is the current Assistant Principal.
Mr David Cloran, the Assistant Principal at Mount Carmel Catholic College has been appointed Acting Principal at Magdalene Catholic College. Dave's significant contributions to Catholic education in the Sydney Archdiocese and Wollongong Diocese are widely known and appreciated.
Please keep both Brad and Dave in your prayers as they commence these important leadership roles in 2023.
After a distinguished career in Marist education including extraordinary contributions at Parramatta Marist High School, Marist College North Shore, Marcellin College Randwick, Marist College Eastwood, and Trinity Catholic College Auburn, Danny Delmage has been appointed as Head of Continuous Catholic School Improvement in the Wollongong Diocese. Danny has been a constant and passionate contributor to Marist life and mission in Australia for almost 40 years. Danny's prioritisation and contribution to the faith life of every school in which he has worked is an enduring legacy.
In many ways Danny's journey in Marist education personifies the changes we have experienced more broadly in Catholic education in this country from the early 1980s until now. Close working relationships with many outstanding Marist educational leaders, Brothers and lay, throughout this time as a teacher and leader have been highly valued and formative, contributing to Danny's deserved reputation as an innovative, competent, and highly successful Catholic educator. From his earliest years Danny was recognised as a gifted teacher, and has shared his creativity, passion, pragmatism, and intellect with many thousands of teachers as a colleague, Diocesan teacher educator, and Principal. This appointment brings all of these fine qualities and experiences to the further service of Catholic education in the fast growing and dynamic Catholic schools of the Diocese of Wollongong. MSA looks forward to our continued close collaboration with Wollongong in the area of school improvement, which will be further enhanced with this important appointment of Danny Delmage.
As the last MSA Newsletter for 2022, I take this opportunity to thank you, our teachers and leaders, for meeting the immense challenges presented throughout this year. As you reflect on the months past, may there be moments of immense satisfaction for the transformative work you have achieved with the students in your care. The manner in which you have taught, coached, counselled, supported, and engaged with the students is your witness. The detail of every carefully prepared, brilliant lesson may not be readily recalled; however, witness is remembered and continues to influence. As we prepare for Christmas, during this holy season of Advent, the following words of Saint John Henry Newman are shared for reflection, conscious that the "cheerful heart" of the teacher will only ever make Jesus more known and loved.
Seek the Grace of a Cheerful Heart
Let us seek the grace of a cheerful heart, an even temper,
sweetness, gentleness, and brightness of mind,
as walking in His light, and His grace.
Let us pray to Him, to give us the spirit of ever abundant,
ever springing love, which overpowers and sweeps away
the vexations of life by its own richness and strength,
and which above all things unites us to Him,
who is the fountain and centre of all mercy, loving-kindness, and joy.
Saint John Henry Newman, "Sermon on Christmas Day"
The angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for see - I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a saviour, who is the Messiah, the Lord: (Luke 2:10-11).